Sunday 28 July 2013

Idioms and Phrases

1- At arm’s length - To keep at a distance
2- At daggers drawn - To be sworn enemies
3- At arm’s length - To keep at a distance
4- At daggers drawn - To be sworn enemies
5- All and sundry- Everything without exception
6- At one’s wits end - Confused; not knowing what to do
7- An axe to grind - Selfish purpose
8- At sixes and sevens - In a disordered manner
9- At loggerheads - To be enemies; to be at war
10- At a loss - To be puzzled
11- Alpha and omega-The beginning and the end
12- At sea- Confused or lost
13- In the nick of time- Just at the last moment
14- At large - Free; not confined
15- Acid test - A decisive or critical test
16- Alive and kicking - Active and healthy